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发表时间:2014-09-18 13:24:55 作者:小华

以下是每一级所需要的light。蓝装最多只给Light+15,紫装最多给Light+25,金色装最多给Light +30。人物不到20级不会开启Light等级模式,所以不可能出现16级人物装备Light装备变成20级的情况。

Light 等級 需要的 Light
Level 21 20 Light
Level 22 32 Light
Level 23 43 Light
Level 24 54 Light
Level 25 65 Light
Level 26 76 Light
Level 27 87 Light
Level 28 98 Light
Level 29 109 Light
Level 30 120 Light


Skull Effect?
Anger Issues情绪愤怒 Minions of the Darkness display heightened aggression.黑暗的小兵会变更好战。
Arc Burn雷电属性燃烧 Arc damage from any source is greatly increased.全部雷电攻击加倍。
Solar Burn太阳属性燃烧 Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.全太阳攻击加倍。?
Void Burn隐/黑洞属性燃烧 Void damage from any source is greatly increased.隐/黑洞攻击加倍。?
Lightswitch灯的开关 Minions of the Darkness deal much more melee damage.黑暗的小兵格斗攻击加倍。?
Nightfall黑夜 You will face a relentless army that has never known defeat. If all players die. you will be returned to orbit.您会于从来没败过的军队为敌。如果全员死亡您会被送回外太空。
Heroic勇士级 Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.敌人数量加倍,敌人更好战。?
Mythic神秘级 Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.防物罩加倍,更好战的敌人数量增加。
Juggler变戏法者 No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.装备的武器不会掉子弹。?
Angry生气 Minions of the Darkness won't flinch. even after massive damage.黑暗的小兵不会定点停住,不管攻击多大。